Pushies Galore 2013
Winter is fast approaching which, while it might mean trouble for the Starks of Winterfell, means awesome times ahead for bike lovers! The world-famous-in-Australia Pushies Galore bike show is just around the corner! Details have just been released with the show scheduled for Sunday July 14, 2013. There was such a great vibe at the show last year, I’m seriously looking forward to this years event and to taking my bikes along for the show. I should have my Kuwahara Magician Pro all ready to go by then!
The 2013 Pushies poster features Don from Oxley Cycles‘ beautiful Jr SLA BMX. Download a hi-res version of the 2013 Pushies poster HERE and post it, print it and share it around! Help make this year’s show even bigger and radder than last year’s!
Here’s a pic taken by Andy White of Fyxomatosis.com of me and the Healing at last year’s show…
Get directions to the show….