Radventure #13
Feelin’ the winter chill?! Get on your bike! On Sunday June 19th we’ll be rugging up and rolling out on a Brisbane city ride, meeting at 11am under the Story Bridge (Sth Side, Holman St). Join in for a bikeway ride alongside and over the river, through the botanic gardens, stopping at the Pig ‘n’ Whistle @ Riverside for lunch.
If you’ve never been on a Radventure before this is the perfect time to join in the fun! Tell your friends, book it in with your families, bring your partners and kids. Old school, new school, cruiser, whatever you ride from whatever era or genre …the more the merrier!
The route will be the usual 10-12km family-friendly length.
Join the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1553402544956376
See you there!
Get directions to Holman St, Kangaroo Pt…
Here’s a little video from Rad #4 along the Wynnum coastline with some skatepark fun…