RADVENTURE #3 – Bandits in Brisbane City!
We’re doing it again kids! If you’re a vintage BMXer in Sth East QLD and you’re keen for a family friendly ride with fellow bandits, join us for Radventure #3 at 11am, Davies Park, West End on Sunday May 26th.
Planned route: Outbound along the river bikeway to South Bank promenade, over the Goodwill Bridge, through the Botanical Gardens, up the Riverside Boardwalk to the foot of the Story Bridge. Lunch at the Pig’n’Whistle on Eagle St Pier, back along the boardwalk and gardens, then along the bikeway under the Riverside Expressway and all the way around along the north side of the river to the Go Between Bridge and back to Davies Park.
Bring your family and friends, we’ll see you there!
Get directions…
Here’s a little video from Radventure #2 on the Gold Coast…